In accordance with the orders of the Commander-in-Chief Dr. Haider AlAbadi,
the Joint Operations Command of the Iraqi Security Forces
commenced the redeployment of units of the Iraqi Army, CounterTerrorism
Service, Emergency Response Division, and the Federal Police
to federal installations, military bases and vital infrastructure in Kirkuk
province in the early hours of today, 16 October, 2017.
These orders aim to reimpose federal authority in the province, to uphold
the constitution and unity of the country, and to protect the nation's
citizens and resources. The Commander-in-Chief issued strict orders to
prioritize the safety of civilians in Kirkuk and avoid confrontations. The
redeployment of federal security forces in Kirkuk province is a legal and
constitutional measure taken in coordination with the local security
forces. The Government of Iraq has exercised the utmost caution and care
in avoiding any clashes in restoring federal authority and strives to
prevent the outbreak of violence despite ill-intentions by party militias
outside the Kirkuk security structure.
Despite clear communications by the Government of Iraq on the
redeployment of federal forces, there is a concerted misinformation
campaign by elements in the Kurdish region to cover up their sinister
actions in attempting to disrupt the coordinated and professional
movements of the Iraqi Security Forces. The outline below clarifies the
1. The Joint Operations Command carefully planned and coordinated
the return of federal forces to Kirkuk province with local security
forces in Kirkuk in advance of today's movements.
2. The Government of Iraq communicated to local officials in Kirkuk
the redeployment plan, ensuring good coordination with Iraqi
Security Forces.
3. Yesterday night regional party militias from outside the Kirkuk
province security apparatus began mass movements towards
Kirkuk in an attempt to disrupt this carefully coordinated
4. As Iraqi Security Forces commenced carrying out their orders,
these party militias began to harass and obstruct federal forces and
in some instances fired upon them in an attempt to provoke the
armed forces and cause an outbreak of conflict.
5. The Joints Operations Command followed the strict orders of the
Commander-in-Chief in avoiding confrontations and to act only in
self-defence where necessary.
6. Despite warnings to desist from their aggressive actions, the party
militias escalated the situation by deploying medium and heavy fire
towards federal forces leading to unfortunate and unnecessary
conflicts in southern Kirkuk province.
7. The Government of Iraq attempted to reinforce the coordinated
redeployment plan in the most peaceful manner and to work with
the local security forces in doing so and largely overcame the
disruptive and criminal behaviour of some party militias.
8. Self-serving former officials in and outside of Kirkuk spread panic,
fear and misinformation among citizens in an attempt to force a
confrontation with Iraqi Security Forces.
9. All responsibility for violence that occurred falls solely on party
officials in Erbil and Kirkuk who gamble with the lives of our
citizens to further their personal agendas at the expense of the
security and welfare of this nation.
10.The redeployment is moving forward and the Government of Iraq
calls on civilians and security officials to work with federal forces
to ensure a successful and peaceful end to the movements of the
federal forces.
The Iraqi Security Forces are acting within the framework of the
constitution and orders of the Commander-in-Chief in redeploying to
federal facilities they were previously based in up until 2014. All
comments from regional party officials contrary to the above are false.