Sat, Jul 27, 2019
June– 27- 2019
The Government expresses its deep regret that a number of demonstrators have overtaken the fraternal Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain, on the evening of 27/6/2019, conducting subversive acts contrary to law, State authority and the immunity of diplomatic missions.
The security services have taken all decisive and immediate measures to remove them out from the embassy, restoring order, providing the necessary protection and arresting the culprits in order to bring them to justice.
The Iraqi government is serious in preventing violations of the law and will never tolerate such acts; The Government underscoring its absolute rejection of any act threatening the diplomatic missions, its security, safety and safety of their personnel.
Media Office of the Prime Minister
June – 27 – 2019
To read the full piece from Iraq Prime Minister's Media Office, click here.