The European Parliament votes to devote a global day to the victims because of Da'esh and Al-Qaeda gangs

On 5 July 2018, the European Parliament voted on the resolution (P8_TA-PROV (2018) 0280) containing the approval of the proposal of the Iraqi Embassy in the European Union to dedicate a world day each year as a memorial to the victims of Da'esh and Al Qaeda gangs and the world.

The resolutions included several axes in the fields of political dialogue, sectoral cooperation and institutional relations. The themes included several paragraphs that promote and develop relations between the European Union and the Republic of Iraq. The resolution calls for assistance to strengthen the political system, democracy, the rule of law and cooperation in many fields. Stability and development in Iraq.

While the resolution represented an important political message to the world about the strong relations between the Republic of Iraq and the European Union, the European Parliament urged Member States to proceed

Dr. Ahmed Mahjoob

Official spokesperson of the Iraqi foreign ministry


For the original يوليو 7, 2018 piece from Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs referenced in this summary, click here.