خميس, أغسطس 31, 2017
In the Name Of Allah Most Passionate Merciful
Allah is the Greatest of all ,thanks mostly for it
The happiness is completed and Triumph achieved ,Nineveh province totally liberated by the hands of our heroic forces.
I declared to you that Tal Afar steadfastness joined the liberated Mosul and returned to the homeland, where in recent days we have eliminated terrorists and crushed them in Ayadiyah and other areas and we will not allow them to escape, and this is our firmed position towards these criminals whose presence in any place a threat to all people of the region And the world.
Tal Afar has been liberated and Iraq's flag has risen once again with the hands of the heroic Iraqi fighters of the army, the federal police, the counter-terrorism forces, the popular mobilization forces, the rapid response and Tal Afar's residents.
We told Daesh's criminals : whenever you go , we are coming to liberate , you have either death or surrender.
We pledge to you, our people, that we will continue with the same resolve and determination to liberate every inch of the land of Iraq and its desert.
Greetings to the souls of the martyrs and the wounded who offer these triumph glorious to their people and raise the Iraq flag ... Greetings to you and your families, You have made the days of all Iraqis full of victories and Celebrations by yours precious sacrifices
And special congratulations to the liberated city of Tal Afar's residents.
Long live Iraq Free victorious.
Every year, Iraq and its people having a good time
All praise is to Allah, the Lord of universe
Dr.Haider AL-Abadi
Prime Minister
Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces
To read the full piece from Iraq Prime Minister's Media Office, click here.