News & Announcements

Image Title Article source Post Date

Iraq’s Victory over ISIS Embodies the Values of Hussein’s Revolution, President Salih Says at Ashura Ceremony

Imam Hussein bin Ali (peace be upon him) always calls to us to follow the paths of freedom, goodness, raising awareness of social issues, and peace, President Salih said in a speech delivered in Iraqi Kurdistan today.

Mon, Sep 9, 2019 Wed, Sep 11, 2019


The Iraqi Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense call Upon all Iraqi Citizens or anyone who can provide information to the following bodies:
1) The Headquarters of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Baghdad.

Wed, Nov 24, 2021

Watch: Public Forum With Dr. Saleem Al-Jubouri, Speaker of Iraq’s Parliament

The speaker of Iraq’s parliament, His Excellency Dr. Saleem al-Jubouri, discussed his country’s current challenges in a public forum on June 8 at the U.S. Institute of Peace.

Follow the conversation on Twitter with #IraqiSpeaker.

Fri, Jun 5, 2015

Amb. Al khirullah Receives Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha

Ambassador Nazar Al khirullah welcomed Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha at the Embassy on August 22 to congratulate the pediatrician, professor and author on her heroism in uncovering the Flint water crisis and on her book named by the New York Times as one of the 100 most notable books of the year.

Sun, Sep 10, 2023 Sun, Sep 10, 2023

General Competitive Bid(Ministry of Oil)SPARE PARTS FOR BOILERS/ Tender 383

General Competitive Bid(Ministry of Oil)SPARE PARTS FOR BOILERS

Mon, Sep 18, 2017

A guide to Iraq's government formation process, as stated in the constitution

The process of forming the Iraqi government according to the Iraqi constitution:

Fri, May 23, 2014

Iraqi climate envoy meeting in the GEF Secretariat

The envoy of the Republic of Iraq for climate, Dr. Ali Al-Alami, met this morning 13/2/2024, experts of Secretariat of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) at its headquarters in Washington, D.C ...

Mon, Feb 13, 2023 Mon, Feb 13, 2023

Eid Al Fitr Greetings

The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq extends its warmest greetings on the occasion of Eid Al Fitr to all Muslims around the world, particularly the Iraqi community in the United States. We pray to Allah Almighty for His blessings and mercy to be always with the Iraqi people in these difficult days.

Thu, Jul 16, 2015

Ambassador Faily Congratulates Iraqi Mandaean Community in U.S. on Occasion of Holy New Year Festival

Mr. Faily praised the leading cultural and societal role of the Mandaean community as one of the oldest in Iraq.

Tue, Jul 23, 2013

Prime Minister Mohammed S.Al-Sudani Meets with U.S. Secretary of Defence at the Pentagon

Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al-Sudani, on Monday evening Baghdad time, visited the Pentagon in Washington D.C., where he was received by the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. The visit began with an official welcoming ceremony, including playing the national anthems of Iraq and the United States.
During his meeting with Secretary Austin, Prime Minister Al-Sudani emphasized the Iraqi government`s commitment to the relationship between the two countries, noting that it has been ten years since the formation of the Global Coalition Against Daesh (ISIS) during which the Iraqi people... Read more...

Thu, May 2, 2024 Thu, May 2, 2024

Ministry of Industry and Minerals/ tenders

Thu, May 17, 2018

مقالة السيد السفير في صحيفة الصباح العراقية

نشرت صحيفة الصباح العراقية بعددها الصادر يوم 04/1/2015 مقالة للسيد السفير لقمان عبد الرحيم الفيلي بعنوان ((الإطار الستراتيجي لسياسة العراق الخارجية))، تحدث فيها عن التحديات التي يواجهها العراق في الوقت الحاضر وضرورة ان يتم رسم سياسة خارجية مبنية على اسس ثابتة وبمستوى تلك التحديات ، لقراءة مقال السيد السفير الرجاء الضغط على الرابط ادناه:
Mon, Jan 5, 2015

PM receives USIBC Delegation

PM Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani said as he received the Iraq-US Business Council (USIBC) headed by Steve Lutes on June 14, that Iraq is qualified to be an attractive environment for the private sector and foreign companies highlighting that the government has taken a set of decisions to simplify procedures for investors and tackle problems in this respect. The PM pointed out that: Iraq is moving towards oil alternatives that will be available after 2028; we have started investing in the flaring gas sector, which costs us $4 billion per year; the TotalEnergies agreement will supply our country... Read more...

Wed, Aug 16, 2023 Wed, Aug 16, 2023

Announcement of a Public Tender

Announcement of a Public Tender(Health Insurance Contract)

Thu, Nov 3, 2016

Prime Minister Maliki participates in USIP Roundtable

H.E. Prime Minister Maliki sat down for a roundtable discussion at the United States Institute of Peace, with distinguished US foreign policy and influential thought leaders.

Fri, Nov 1, 2013

Study in Iraq" Program Launched to Attract International Students for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Washington is pleased to announce the launch of the "Study in Iraq" program aimed at attracting international students to Iraqi universities for the 2024/2025 academic year. The program offers 14,322 academic seats from 59 governmental and private Iraqi universities. 57% of these seats are allocated to full scholarships, while 43% are for partial scholarships. The scholarships are available in medical and health sciences, engineering, pure sciences, agriculture, veterinary, administrative, law and political, educational, and humanities disciplines,... Read more...

Sat, May 4, 2024 Sat, May 4, 2024

Foreign Minister Meets Syrian Counterpart on Sidelines of 73rd Session of United Nations General Assembly in New York

Foreign Minister Dr.Ibrahim Al-Jaafari met with Foreign Minister of the republic of Syria Mr. Walid Al-Muallem on the sidelines of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. They reviewed the issues of common interest, affirming the necessity of combining efforts and cooperation to enhance security and stability of the region and defeat terrorism.

Mr. Al-Muallem officially invited Dr. Al-Jaafari to visit Damascus in the framework of opening new horizons for joint cooperation.

Mon, Oct 1, 2018 Mon, Oct 1, 2018

بيان صحفيّ

تزامناً مع إعلان يوم 3 تشرين الأول عيداً وطنياً لجمهوريّة العراق، نعرض وثائق نادرة من أرشيف عصبة الأمم في جنيف، بخصوص هذا اليوم التاريخي.
حيث وافقت الجمعيّة العامّة لعصبة الأمم يوم 3 تشرين الأول 1932، على قبول العراق عضواً في عصبة الأمم بناءً على طلب الانضمام المُقدم من المملكة العراقيَّة آنذاك بتوقيع رئيس الوزراء الأسبق نوري باشا السعيد بتاريخ 12 تموز 1932، ليصبح العراق أول دولة عربيَّة تنضم إلى هذه المُنظمة الدوليَّة في حينها.

Mon, Oct 4, 2021 Mon, Oct 4, 2021

US-Iraq Business Council welcomed ⁦Ambassdor Fareed Yasseen

⁦US-Iraq Business Council welcomed ⁦
⁩ Ambassdor Fareed Yasseen to ⁦
⁩ for a discussion with US biz leaders about US-Iraq relations. AMB stressed importance of Iraq’s sovereignty, our bilat relationship & econ ties. ⁦

Sat, Jan 25, 2020

Tracking Iraq's Fight Against Daesh

The Government of Iraq has made significant strides against Daesh. Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi has pursued an ambitious reform agenda to rebuild Iraq’s military capabilities, root out corruption, and pave the way for displaced persons to return to their homes.

Wed, Apr 15, 2015