News & Announcements

Image Title Article source Post Date

Prime Minister Maliki Arrives in the United States

Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Noori al-Maliki has arrived in the United States, where he will meet with President Obama at the White House and other officials in Washington to discuss the importance of the U.S.-Iraq relationship under the SFA; and the current challenges facing Iraq and the region.

Mon, Oct 28, 2013

Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al-Sudani Meets with GE Vernova CEO

Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al-Sudani received Mr. Scott Strazik, CEO of GE Vernova, at his residence in Washington. GE Vernova specializes in energy technology development.
The meeting focused on discussing ways to enhance the company`s operations in Iraq and the future of energy production, within the context of ongoing developments in the oil and electricity sectors. This discussion aligns with the government’s program aimed at developing these sectors, improving production and distribution efficiency for electrical energy.

Prime Minister Al-Sudani emphasized the government`...

Sat, May 4, 2024 Sat, May 4, 2024

Press Statement

Several countries in the world have witnessed infections with the Coronavirus, and the government has taken a number of preventive measures to preserve the safety of Iraqi citizens and to prevent the spread of this virus in Iraq.

Wed, Feb 26, 2020 Wed, Feb 26, 2020

Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Health Insurance Contract

02-734x1024 (1).jpg

Wed, Oct 9, 2019

President Mourns Passing of Secretary General of the Union of Iraqi Writers

President Salih sent a letter of condolences today to the national cultural and literary community upon hearing about the tragic passing of the Secretary General of the Union of Iraqi Writers, Ibrahim al-Khayat.
The following is the text of the condolence from President Salih:
In the name of Allah, most merciful and most gracious,
With heavy hearts, we are stunned to learn the tragic news about the passing of one of Iraq’s great writers and poets, Ibrahim al-Khayat.

Wed, Aug 28, 2019 Thu, Aug 29, 2019

Tracking Progess of Iraq's New Government

On September 8, 2014, Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi’s new government outlined a broad agenda designed to unite the country as it faces an existential threat from Daesh. This agenda is based on a number of key measures that seek to reform and reinvigorate the country’s socioeconomic, political and military institutions.

Mon, Apr 13, 2015

Ambassador Al Khirullah Meets with Member of US House Rich McCormick

On July 26, Ambassador Nazar Al Khirullah discussed with member of House of Representatives, Republican Rich McCormick, member of both committees, Foreign Affairs & Armed Forces, a set of bilateral issues regarding political, economic and security relations, according to Strategic Framework Agreement SFA & partnership between both countries.

Sat, Sep 9, 2023 Sat, Sep 9, 2023

رئيس مجلس الوزراء السيد عادل عبد المهدي يعرب عن بالغ تعازيه بوفاة السياسي العراقي عدنان الباچة چي

18-تشرين الثاني - 2019

تلقينا ببالغ الحزن والأسى نبأ رحيل السياسي العراقي المخضرم عدنان الباچة چي رحمه الله ، والذي قضى عقودا طويلة من عمره في خدمة الدولة والسلك الدبلوماسي مرورا بفترة معارضة النظام المباد والمشاركة في العملية السياسية .
وبهذا الحدث الأليم نعرب عن خالص تعازينا لأسرة الفقيد ، سائلين الله ان يمنّ عليه بواسع المغفرة ويسكنه فسيح جناته.

إنا لله وإنا اليه راجعون .

عادل عبدالمهدي
رئيس مجلس الوزراء
١٨-تشرين الثاني-٢٠١٩

Mon, Nov 18, 2019 Mon, Nov 18, 2019



Fri, Jul 21, 2017

Ambassador Faily attends delivery ceremony of Boeing plane to Iraq

SEATTLE, March 25, 2014 -- Ambassador Faily participated in a ceremony at the headquarters of the Seattle-based company, Boeing, marking the delivery of the third Next-Generation 737-800 aircraft to Iraqi Airways. The ceremony included a high-level delegation from the Iraqi Ministry of Transportation and the Iraqi commercial attaché to the United States.

Fri, Mar 28, 2014

Holiday Announcement

The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq and the Consular Section in Washington will be closed on Monday, 5th Sep 2022 on the occasion of Labor Day.

Fri, Sep 2, 2022 Fri, Sep 2, 2022

President Meets German Chancellor

President Salih met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel today in New York City on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.
President Salih and Chancellor Merkel examined ways to improve ties across all fields between Iraq and Germany, noting the friendly historic relations between the two countries

Tue, Sep 24, 2019 Tue, Sep 24, 2019

Foreign Minister Delivers Historical Statement after UNSC Adopts Resolution to Remove Iraq from Chapter VII

Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari expressed Iraq's appreciation for the UN Secretary General's efforts to remove Iraq from Chapter VII sanctions and noted that Iraq has regained full sovereignty as an effective member in the international community through this resolution.

Mon, Jul 1, 2013

Amb. Nazar Al Khirullah Meets with Mayor of Houston

Amb. Nazar Al Khirullah met with the Mayor of the city of Houston in the state of Texas; they discussed opportunities for cooperation between both sides in the fields of oil, gas and renewable energy.

Tue, Oct 31, 2023 Tue, Oct 31, 2023

Press Release

In the aim of enhancing confidence in the electoral process, achieving wide participation in the elections, and ensuring integrity and organization, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. 2576, to renew the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), until May 27, 2022.
The resolution contains strong elements, adopted for the first time to send a UN team to monitor elections in Iraq.

Fri, May 28, 2021 Fri, May 28, 2021

General Competitive Bid(Ministry of Oil/ South Refineries Company)-General Competitive Bid(Ministry of Oil/ South Refineries Company)-EPC/Turn-Key of Works Contract

General Competitive Bid(Ministry of Oil/ South Refineries Company)-EPC/Turn-Key of Works Contract

REQ NO :346/2016/E

Tue, Nov 28, 2017

President Masum Welcomes Secretary Kerry to Iraq

President Fuad Masum and Secretary John Kerry discussed the strategic relationship between the United States and Iraq.

Wed, Sep 10, 2014

Passport Day Event Participation

The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq participated in the Around the World Embassy Tour that was organized in Washington DC on May 6, 2023, with 63 participating embassies. During the event, the Iraqi heritage was presented through folklore costumes, paintings, calligraphy, and books by the embassy and a group of participants and artists from the community residing in the Mission's workspace, in addition to hosting traditional Iraqi food, drinks, and sweets. ...

Wed, May 10, 2023 Wed, May 10, 2023

City Club Raleigh national public Affairs forum Ambassador lukman Faily 2016 NPAF short form

City Club Raleigh national public Affairs forum Ambassador lukman Faily

Wed, Apr 6, 2016

The Foreign Minister Represents Iraq at 73rd Session of United Nations General Assembly

His Excellency Foreign Minister Dr. Ibrahim Al-Jaafari, represented Iraq at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Dr. Ahmed Mahjoub

Spokesman for the Iraqi Foreign Ministry

23 September 2018

Mon, Sep 24, 2018